Academic Year
General Regulation
1. Courses are open to students from all over the world without age restrictions and they are divided in:
Academic course (three years)
Advanced Academic course (two years)
To accede to the courses there is an entrance examination.
2. The application and its documentation should be sent by the 15th of September to:
Administration office of the International Academy “G.Verdi”, strada colli di valenza 39, 05100 Terni, Italia
3. The application must unclose the following documentation:
- Application form (including a passport-sized photohraph), completely filled in [download the form o or make a pre-application online]
- A detailed curriculum vitae (including musical educations)
- Two recent photographs: one with half and one with whole figure
- A photocopy of the passport or identity card
Application fee payment receipt of euro 100,00 (one hundred) which can be done by( The application fee, which includes the associative fee, covers the cost of the admittance test and is not refundable in any case). :
Postal order made out to
Associazione Umbria Musica , strada colli di valenza 39, 05100 Terni, Italia
Bank transfer made out to
Associazione Umbria Musica
IBAN: IT 36 Q 05424 14402 000001000072
4. The Academy can suppress courses and/or change teachers during the academic year without obligation of associative amount repayment.
5. Lessons calendar
Deadline for applications: 15th of September 2008 (applications out the deadline can be accepted at Artistic Director discretion)
Entrance examination: 1st of October 2008 (the dates can change depending on the subjects and will be communicated in time)
Lessons will take place from the 1st of October 2008to the 31st of May 2009 , excepted Christmas and Easter holidays.
6. At the end of the year students must give a passing examination.
The admittance to the passing and to the final examination is subordinated to the academic year overall frequency, which must be at least 2/3 of the lessons (excepted illnesses or other impediments in any case formally attested).
The Diploma examination application must be sent to the Artistic Director in simple paper and the transfer established for the diploma must be done at least 30 days before the examination date.
7. At the end of the whole course, passed the final examination, the students will receive a diploma of the International Academy of Lyric Opera “G.Verdi”.
8. Effective students who are attending more than one course will benefit from a 15% of discount on the course which has the minor cost of set up and functioning.
9. The organization does not take on liability for damages or any circumstance which come from the frequency of lessons or Academy itself.
10. Students who will take part to events organized by the Academy, which can be examinations or concerts, will not get any payment or expenses reimbursement.
11. Teachers are not supposed to recover lessons not attended by students.
12. Any change, caused by act of God, will be notified in time.
13. The associative amount of the frequency can be paid in installments by the first three meetings, except master class.
14. Students not paid-in within the last installment established by the administration will be suspended from the courses.
15. Signing the application form, students engage in accepting the Social Statute, the deliberations of the Social Organizations and the Regulation of the Academy and of the courses 2008.
16. In case of contestation only the Italian text will be considered valid and the Forum of Terni will be authorized to deal with.